.SX Domain Name Rules/Requirements

Domain Name related Rules

Common Domain Name Rules (Anchor: common)

Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)

  • A .SX Domain Name may be Registered for 1 to 10 years.

  • A .SX Domain Name does not have a Money Back Grace Period.

  • The Bulk Registration feature is available for .SX Domain Names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Registration

  • .SX Domain Names do not support Internationalized Domain Names (IDN).

Domain Name Renewal (Anchor: ren)

  • A .SX Domain Name may be Renewed for 1 to 10 years.

  • Upon Expiry of a .SX Domain Name:

    • any service such as email, website, etc., configured for this Domain Name would stop functioning, until the Domain Name is Renewed.

    • if the .SX Domain Name is not Renewed until 40 days, the Domain Name would get Deleted and would slip into Redemption Grace Period.

      Additional Information

      What is Redemption Grace Period?

Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)

  • Upon Transferring a .SX Domain Name, the Domain Name gets renewed by 1 year.

  • The 60 day Registration/Transfer Lock is not applicable in case of .SX Domain Names.

  • All .SX Domain Names have a Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code.

    The length of a Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code may vary between 8 to 32 characters.

  • The Bulk Transfer feature is available for .SX Domain Names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Transfer

Contact Details related Rules (Anchor: contact)

  • .SX Domain Names are available for registration to any individual.

  • .SX Domain Names use the General Contact database in the system.

    .SX Domain Names use the following 4 Contacts:

    • Registrant Contact

    • Administrative Contact

    • Technical Contact

    • Billing Contact

  • .SX Domain Names do not support ResellerClub - India's Privacy Protection feature.

    Additional Information

    What is Privacy Protection?

  • The Bulk Modify feature is available for .SX Domain Names, while Bulk Privacy Protection is not supported.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Modify

    Bulk Privacy Protection

Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)

  • Each .SX Domain Name needs to have at least 2 Name Servers and may have upto 10 Name Servers.

  • In case of .SX domain names, all Child Name Servers that you create/add, are automatically associated with that .SX domain name as a Name Server. Due to this limitation, you will only be able to add upto 10 Child Name Servers for .SX domain names.

    The maximum number of Name Servers that can be associated with any .SX domain name is 10. If you have already added other Name Servers (not Child Name Servers of this .SX domain name), then the number of Child Name Servers that you may create would reduce by that many.


    • yourdomainname.sx

      Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourdomainname.sx and ns2.yourdomainname.sx

      These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers as well for this domain name: ns1.yourdomainname.sx and ns2.yourdomainname.sx

      This means that now for the domain name yourdomainname.sx, you may only add upto 9 other Child Name Servers or Name Servers since every time you create a Child Name Server, it gets automatically associated with the .SX domain name as a Name Server.

    • yourotherdomainname.sx

      Name Servers used: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com

      Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourotherdomainname.sx, ns2.yourotherdomainname.sx

      These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers for this domain name: ns1.yourotherdomainname.sx, ns2.yourotherdomainname.sx

      So in all 4 Name Servers will be associated with yourotherdomainname.sx: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com, ns1.yourotherdomainname.sx, ns2.yourotherdomainname.sx

      This means that now for the domain name yourotherdomainname.sx, you may only add upto 6 other Child Name Servers or Name Servers since every time you create a Child Name Server, it gets automatically associated with the .SX domain name as a Name Server.

  • You may associate upto 10 IP Addresses per Child Name Server.

  • You may modify both Name Servers as well as any Child Name Servers associated with your .SX Domain Name.